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<!--- MySMS By AlBa7ar Semauae.com --> تاريخ التسجيل : 07/05/2008
| موضوع: 0000 Karbala 0000 tragedy 00 الأحد سبتمبر 27, 2009 12:17 pm | |
| aSettled the succession to Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan - may Allah be pleased with him - in the year 41 AH, after the concession has Hassan bin Ali bin Abi Talib, the Caliphate, and pledged allegiance is Hussein and his brother - God bless them - and followed by people, in the interest of good, to stop the bloodshed, and unity of word and class, has commended the people too much on making good, and fired a year which sought conciliate "in group" and this endeavor has good prophecy grandfather Karim Mohammed - peace be upon him - and the aphorism: "this son of Mr, and may God fit between the two categories great Muslim. "
The sons Hassan and Hussein Ali ibn Abi Talib, used to attend Muawiyah in Damascus Vikremama and improves Vadthma, and know them to their fate and count, and when he died under his brother Hassan Hussein - may Allah be pleased with him - come each year to Mu'awiya; it well received and over-honoring, Hussein remained faithful for oath of allegiance, and see obedience to derogate from the revocation of the oath of allegiance Maaouya him, did not respond to the desire of the people of Kufa, in this regard, but that Hussein participated in the army sent by Mu'awiya the conquest of Constantinople, led by his son, "more" in the year 49 AH.
Surprised, "Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan," the Islamic nation the nomination of his son, "more" of the succession after him in the presence of several members of senior companions, and began to take the pledge of allegiance to him in his life, in other Islamic countries, carrots and sometimes intimidating other times, not only opposed by the people of the Hijaz, The focus of the opposition in the Al-Hussein Bin Ali, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr - Allah be pleased with them -.
Died Muawiyah I - may Allah be pleased with him - his 60 years, and was succeeded by his son Yazid; sent me to him in the city to take a pledge of Hussein, who refused to pay allegiance to increase, also declined - by - his appointment as crown prince to succeed his father, Yazid, and left the city secretly to Mecca and sit by, waiting for the outcome of the events.
Saw Shia in Kufa, the opportunity has come, because the Caliphate Husayn ibn Ali, after he learned of his exit to Mecca; and met in the house of their leader, "Sulayman ibn Sard," and agreed to write to Hussein urging him to come to them, handed over his command, and Evalonh succession, Successive messages supervision of Kufa to Husayn, are desired to attend, until it reached fifty message.
Faced with these successive communications, and promises the people of Kufa picturesque Banasrp and support, Hussein responded to their call, and resolve them before leaving to explore the matter and verify the truthfulness of our promises; sent his cousin, "Muslim bin Aqeel bin Abi Talib" for this purpose, and he arrived to Kufa, so enthusiastically received by her family and very warm, and down home "chosen Thaqafi" and taken home to receive the Shia, even if they met a large number of them, read them, "Muslim" Book of Hussein, which stated that .bhm to what they said were confined to the Covenant, and patience in jihad; They kept crying, and senior Shia declare their support for Hussein, and speeches, some of them influential in the audience said: "By God, if you called Ojipennekm, Oqatln you to your enemy, and Odharbn Bsevi without you to meet God, do not want to do only what God" .. It was not before the "Muslim bin Aqeel", which sees the huge crowds that have declared Biatha of Hussein, but to write to reassure Hussein and asking him to come and say to him: "Baini script of the people of eighteen thousand introducing the man, all the people with you, do not view them in all Abu Sufyan. "
As science "Yazid," what is happening in Kufa, and isolate them, "Nu'man bin Bashir" for being soft with the Muslim and condoning what he did, and ran its place, "Abdullah Ibn Ziad," Marchetti immediately, and follow the policy with the people of Kufa, intensity and intimidation, and bought the loyalty of some of them do funds, Fanfdt thousands from around the Muslim and left him to die alone after being arrested, "Ibn Ziad," and threw him from the top of the Emirate Palace dies, then the crucifixion; crucified was the first dead body of the Banu Hashim.
Hussein went from Mecca to Kufa, in 8 of Dhu al-Hijjah 60 AH, when he was "Qadisiyah" the science of killing a Muslim and a weakness Alkoviin for protection and support him, he decided to return to Mecca, but Muslim brothers insisted on moving forward to take revenge, and did not find Hussein appeared Mtauathm, and continued walking until he reached the vicinity of Karbala, Kufa (2 of Muharram 561 H) and found a large army waiting for him led by Umar ibn al-Saad bin Abi Waqas, while he was with Hussein, about ninety, after his people dispersed, leaving him only his family and a little bit those who followed him in the road, and camped two forces is Almtkavitin in this place.
Hussein tried to get out of this impasse after seeing the weakness of the people of Kufa and abandon him, as abandoned by campaigning for a Muslim, was Takazlhm have denied the books sent to the Al-Hussein, while mentioned, presented to Omar bin Saad three solutions: either to return to the place I accept that from him, or to go to the mouth of the mouths of Islam for jihad in, and either come Yazid in Damascus, and put his hand in his.
These proposals were a good step toward a peaceful solution, and let the revolution, and bloodshed; recreate them, "Umar bin Saad" to him, "Abdullah Ibn Ziad," was rejected these solutions, however, refused to hand over Hussein himself, as a prisoner, and sent to such increases in Damascus, scoffed at the age when respondents with reference to Hussein, and wrote to him: "I did not Obosk to Hussein to stop him and wishes for the safety and survival, see the down-Husayn and his companions on the government and surrendered, Fabos them to, but they refuse Vazhv them even kill them and represent them, they so worthy. "
Hussein Bin Ali refused this request, and the collection of his companions time and again and said to them: "I Brrtm and Aontm, and the people do not want anybody else, if not killed me Eptgua anyone else, if Cengm night, scattering them to ÓæÇÏÉ Anjua yourself," What was them and they were not all from the with cousins and relatives except that they said to him: "God forbid, but live your life and die with you."
Before the battle, the army resorted Ibn Ziad to prevent water from Hussein and his companions, stayed there for days suffer from thirst, the target of coercion that Hussein to surrender, and then the fighting began between two unequal on the tenth of Muharram, Hussein was with thirty-two horsemen and forty foot, in the while the army of his enemies more than four thousand people, frequently including cavalry and camel riders, and plunge carrying different weapons, and this disparity has shown Hussein and his broad spectrum of fantastic courage, and they fell one after the other draped over Hussein and fighting between his hands, and abused murder combatants to the children of men and boys, and his Aatarth, leaving nothing but him, fighting the crowd applicable to them, even Otknoh wounds; fell - may Allah be pleased with him - dead, and then cut off his head noble and sent them to Yazid, was spared from death only " Zine El Abidine Ali Bin Al-Hussein, "Preserving the descendants of his father after him.
The outcome of the battle and the martyrdom of Hussein, as such a terrible tragedy that bloodied the hearts of Muslims and shook their feelings everywhere, and stir their emotions toward the house, and was the cause of the numerous revolts against the Umayyads, even ended up in its fall, and the establishment of the Abbasid state on its ruins. | |